luni, 21 noiembrie 2011

Autumn - Herbst - Toamna ( in Schollbronn)

Middle of November. 
A perfect sunny autumn day! The pastures are still green, some apples are still in the trees, some pears wait to be collected... there are no leaves in the trees, but a lot of fruits. The flowers still have the power to shine and color the misty mornings. The grass is wet, covered with dew, and I'm so grad to see this view!!! Poetry, but it is true...I am in love with this beautiful autumn!! (countryside, Schollbronn)


joi, 10 noiembrie 2011

Martinsumzug (Bergwald)

(Mi-as fi dorit sa scriu despre acest obicei german in germana, dar limba asta e atat de grea, incat nu cred ca voi reusi vreodata sa scriu vreo postare in germana....)
Procesiunea lui Martin are loc in fiecare toamna tarzie, pe 11 o vreme friguroasa, sa sa fii cat mai bine implicat in povestea lui Martin, un soldat din vremuri stravechi, care si-a taiat mantia in doua, ca sa inveleasca cu una dintre jumatati un om amarat, aproape inghetat de frig.
Implicati in toata aceasta procesiune sunt mai ales copii de gradinita si clasele primare, care au inceput sarbatoarea pe 10 noiembrie, seara:

Fiecare copil are cate un felinar, facut de obicei chiar de el la gradinita sau scoala:
 Procesiunea a inceput la lasarea serii, toti fiind insotiti de felinare... frumoase jocuri de lumini si culori, purtate cu atata mandrie mai ales de cei mici
Copii au dat un mic spectacol cu teatru si cantece si apoi cu totii am pornit pe strazi, bineinteles cu felinarele aprinse, sa infruntam intunericul si cu cantece, sa infruntam frigul!

Ne-am intors si s-a aprins un foc mare (supravegheat de pompieri), sa ne incalzim cu totii, si bineinteles si cu ceva de mancare si bauturi calde.

Felinare frumoas colorate si cantece copilaresti care reusesc sa invinga frigul si sa ne bucure si noua inimile!!
Laterne, Laterne
Sonne, Mond und Sterne
Brenne auf, mein Licht,
Brenne auf, mein Licht
Aber nur meine liebe Laterne nicht.

sâmbătă, 5 noiembrie 2011

Bad Boll - Intercultural communication

At the end of October - a seminar for international students, at Evangeliche Akademie Bad Boll, a center for adult education and a place for discussions concerning state, religion and society. I am so proud that at the end of this seminar I know the names of all my colleagues, and a little bit of their countries and religions.
This academy is situated in the countryside, in a wonderfull landscape...but we didn't have time for sightseeing (I am so sorry because the weather was like authentic Indian Summer!)

We had also some workshops, (like games) and we "played" each others. One of the final results was a bridge, made only from paper and glue, but strong enough  to support more than 250 g.(our team won!!!)

And after so many seminars and was time for coffee break and party!!!

Am so sorry that I don't have a picture with all ( not yet!!)...but here it is:
Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics (Master) in Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart