duminică, 26 februarie 2012

Karneval in Schollbronn

What is Fasching, Karneval, Fastnacht, Fasnacht, Fastelabend? 
They are all one and the same thing: pre-Lenten festivities celebrated in grand style in mostly the predominantly catholic regions of the German-speaking countries. They officially begins in most regions in Germany on the eleventh of November at 11:11. Fasching or Karnival celebrations stem from various beliefs and needs. For catholics, it provided a festive season of food and fun before the Lenten fasting period would begin.
The word Karneval  is thought to come from the medieval Latin carnelevare: "to take away meat". 
Dancing, parades and plays, became Carnival customs since 14th century. One special feature of the Swabian-Alemannic Carnival are its Carnival characters. The masks are made mostly of wood, but also use cloth, paper and even wire. It is traditional for the costumes to be handed down through generations.  Devil figures and fools are among the oldest-established characters. The Carnival witch is a new character,  introduced in 1933.(but the most beautiful costumes, as i could realize during the parade!!!!)

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