duminică, 17 martie 2013

Decoration: Season tree

I must admit from the beginning  that is not my idea…I saw many times on different pages something similar: a tree combining the four seasons inside. Also decorating with buttons is not a new idea, but it is so nice that I said: I must try it.
Starting from these ideas I added also my new idea: decorating with real branches, dried, founded in the forest and not painting the tree. So I found an old picture frame, and I added inside the pieces of branches, sticked together with silicone, trying to give a natural look for the resulted tree:
Real branches
I devided the tree in four parts, each one representing one season: and I decorated the branches with  colored buttons. If I didn't have enough buttons, I made some, following the receipe presented here http://lastbiscuit.blogspot.de/2012/01/salt-dough-buttonspart-one.html


 So, here it is my Season Tree Decoration! 
And because it is made here in Eisingen, I can also add : "Made in Germany".

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