vineri, 16 septembrie 2011


"A ruin must be rightly situated, to be effective. This one could not have been better placed. It stands upon a commanding elevation, it is buried in green woods, there is no level ground about it, but, on the contrary, there are wooded terraces upon terraces, and one looks down through shining leaves into profound chasms and abysses where twilight reigns and the sun cannot intrude. Nature knows how to garnish a ruin to get the best effect. One of these old towers is split down the middle, and one half has tumbled aside. It tumbled in such a way as to establish itself in a picturesque attitude. Then all it lacked was a fitting drapery, and Nature has furnished that; she has robed the rugged mass in flowers and verdure, and made it a charm to the eye. The standing half exposes its arched and cavernous rooms to you, like open, toothless mouths; there, too, the vines and flowers have done their work of grace..." (MARK TWAIN, 1880)
Citeam pe pliant despre Castelul Heidelberg ca e o imbinare unica de stiluri gotice si prea dau seama de lucrurile astea arhitecturale, dar imi dau seama ca vad un castel de o frumusete rara, partial ruine, partial refacut, cu o gradina superba care iti ofera o imagine de-ti taie rasuflarea asupra intregului oras!
Heidelberg este un oras tot din landul Baden- Wurttemberg, foarte vizitat de turisti din intreaga lume, mai ales americani si ce vedea... un oras vechi, plin de monumente istorice, biserici vechi, stradute inguste, muzee.
Ne-am oprit intai la castel, am petrecut vreo 4-5 ore si apoi doar putin prin oras (caci luptele cu soldati imaginari l-au obosit pe Andrei):

Muzeul din interior, dezvaluia in multe din camerele sale, secrete ale laboratoarelor farmaceutice...o trecere de la alchimie la chimia farmaceutica!

Gradina- un spatiu plin de verdeata, statui, liniste si o priveliste fermecatoare asupra orasului!

 Si o plimbare scurta prin oras: strazi inguste si pline de turisti, piete cu statui si monumente, cladiri frumoase, dominate de imaginea castelului, construit pe varful unui deal langa oras.


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